2004 BSS National Hunting Retriever Test Results:
April 1-4 - H. Cooper Black Recreational Area, Patrick, South Carolina
Complete results on the BSS Web Site
It was a "Just Ducky" weekend!
Two National Champions - Puppy and Novice
14 out of the 40 ribbons awarded earned by Just Ducky Kennel dogs (all but one born/bred here)
Including all 3 6 month-old littermates from the last Justdoit (Nike) and Justmyluck (Lucky) litter in the Puppy class:
"Air Jordan, Air Althea and Air Vivacity"
Danny Bange won the Chairman's Cup for the 2nd year in a row!
Congratulations to all!!!
Puppy Judges: Allyson Osteen and Paul Lemmond
27 Entries
2004 National Puppy Champion:
Just Ducky's Justaluckybet - "Wager"
Owned by Pam Kadlec, handled by Chris Meurett
2nd: Just Ducky's Nike Air Jordan
Owned by Pam Kadlec, handled by Danny Bange
Justafloridacracker - owned by Ed Gammons and Pam Kadlec, handled by Danny Bange
JAM'S (Judges Award of Merit):
Just Ducky's Nike Air Vivacity
- Owned by Pam Kadlec, handled by Danny Bange
Lady Lily Richey - (picture on right with Danny)- Owned by Alan Richey, handled by Danny Bange
Just Ducky's Nike Air Althea
Owned by Joe Copeland and Pam Kadlec, handled by Joe Copeland
Novice Judges: Paul Sumner and Steve Mathes
51 Entries
2004 National Novice Champion:
SHR Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy - "Bette"
- owned by Pam Kadlec handled by
Danny Bange
3rd Place: 
Just Ducky's Guiness Stout -
owned and handled by Patrick Duvall
4th Place: SHR Just Ducky's Bookmark - owned by Chris Meurett and Pam Kadlec, handled by Chris Meurett
JAM'S (Judges Award of Merit):
HR Holland Ridge's Jeb Stuart
- Owned and handled by Mark Lee
Just Ducky's Justaluckybet- "Wager"
Owned by Pam Kadlec, handled by Chris Meurett
Chairman's Cup
Highest scoring Novice dog handled by a handler 16 years of age or younger:
Danny Bange with Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy - "Bette"
Intermediate Judges: Allen Nuttall and Scott Durkin
11 Entries
2nd Place:
Just Ducky's Law Partner - owned and handled by
William McMaster III
Just Ducky's Justmyluck - "Lucky" - owned and handled by Pam Kadlec
Open Judges: Bachman Doar and Mark Ackerman
9 Entries
2nd Place: HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks -
owned by Chris Meurett and Pam Kadlec, handled by Pam Kadlec