Boykin Spaniel Society
2011 Upland Field Trial Results
January 15-16, 2011
The Clinton House - Clinton, SC

We got through this trial with mild temps and sunshine during the event but dealt with leftover ice and snow and a muddy mess
Congratulations to all the participants!

Novice Judges – David Carrington and Sue Myers
46 entries
Clint and Lisa Everett - Marshalls
Novice Gunners Choice - Carolina Magic's Matalin Marie
2011 Upland Novice Champion:
Brandywine's Bessie's Mojo - owned by Phil/Karen Hinchman, handled by Phil Hinchman
2nd: Hunter's Rest Memphis - owned and handled by Phil Patterson
3rd: Story's Cocoa Break, owned and handled by Welch Livingston
4th: SHR Pocotaligo's Swamp Fox - owned by Gregg Parker and handled by Kim Parkman
Richland's Roadside Rendezvous, owned by Shawn Littlefield, handled by Anne Livingston
SHR Pocotaligo's First Shot, owned by Corey Buchanan, handled by Kim Parkman
Lily & Piper's Story 4 Ever - owned by Dawn/Bill Crites, handled by Dawn Crites
Lily Belle Bloom - owned and handled by Ray Bloom
HR Justasipofmoonshine, owned and handled by James Barbare
Mitchell's Mighty Maximillion - owned and handled by Wayne Mitchell
Moss Point's Kajan Belle - owned by Jan Shannon and handled by Jack Shannon
Curious Missy - Owned and handled by Clint Everett
Blunders Gunner Lasorba - owned by Tony Lasorba, handled by Dan Stone
Brandywine's Lookout 4 Buddy Love - owned and handled by Ray Bloom
Carolina Magic's Matalin Marie - owned by Jennie Cannady, handled by Russell Scott
HR Richland's Camden Legacy - owned and handled by Anne Livingston
HR Emma's Buck Creek Sadie - owned and handled by Todd Deal
Brandywines Legacy of Stonewall - owned and handled by Andy McGinnis

Intermediate Champion not present for photos
Intermediate Judges: Deb Schoene and Greg Oyer
22 entries
Marshall - John Inabinet
Intermediate Gunners Choice – HR UH Unsinkable Molly Brown
2011 Upland Intermediate Champion:
Hunter's Rest Memphis - owned and handled by Phil Patterson
2nd: HR Brandywines Till The Next Time Tillie - owned by Phil and Karen Hinchman, handled by Phil Hinchman
3rd: SHR Justalildog'lldoya, owned and handled by Pam Kadlec
4th: HRCH Just Ducky's Justhavealittlefaith - owned by James Barbare/Pam Kadlec, handled by James Barbare
HRCH Brandywines Front Paige News - owned and handled by Phil Hinchman
Open Judges: Mike Witt and Kim Smith
16 entries
Marshall - Jan Kees
Gunner's Choice - OTM’s No Last Call LC Mae
2011 Upland Open Champion: HRCH Amanda of Pocotaligo - owned and handled by Devon Ruth
2nd: GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks - owned by Chris Meurett, handled by Pam Kadlec
3rd: HRCH UH Richland Stonewall Jackson - Owned by Charles and Jane Herb, handled by Butch Herb
4th: HRCH Just a Home Wrecker - owned and handled by John Huddleston
HRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief - owned and handled by Dan Reel
Crazy Quail
Judges: Scotty and Austin Morgan
1st - "Super Man" and Eddy Toney
2nd - Doc and Clyde Mitchell
3rd - Story and Bill Crites
4th - Lily and Ray Bloom