Boykin Spaniel Society
2014 Upland Field Trial Results
January 18-19, 2014
Hanging Rocks Plantation - Millen, Ga
Beautiful Weekend!
Congratulations to all the participants!

Novice Judges – Sue Myers and Kevin Griffith
33 entries
Clint and Lisa Everett - Marshalls
Novice Gunners Choice - Rock'n Creek Deja Vu

2014 Upland Novice Champion:
Rocky River's Gun'Em Down - owned and handled by Adam Littlefield
2nd: SHR Justanothershotofwhiskey - owned and handled by Chris Cabri
3rd: Chief's Ogeechee Mule, owned and handled by Mid Thorne
4th: Bailey Kay Belle - owned and handled by Teresa Bell
Emma's Buck Creek Sadie - owned and handled by Todd Deal
Rocky River's Cinnamon Girl - owned and handled by Phil Behe
Pocotaligo's Go Big Red - owned by Kim Parkman, handled by Brian Schmnidt
Carolina Magic's Matalin Marie - owned and handled by Russell Scott
Rock'n Creek Deja Vu - owned and handled by Amelia Skipper
Chugger Everett - owned and handled by Clint Everett
Lily's Story's Lies & Allegations - owned by Dawn/Bill Crites, handled by Bill Crites
Brandywine's Miss Ginger - owned and handled by Dave Polzin
J&C's SweetSouthernDaisy#2 - owned and handled by Kentley Porter
Chugger's Everet UN - owned and handled by Clint Everet
Brandywinedafirsttothebird - owned and handled by Brian Fero
Pocotaligo Fire Starter - owned by Kim Parkman, handled by Christina Gebhard
Mitchell's Bear Creek Silas - owned and handled by Caleb Jackson
Rocky River's Rainbow Rider - owned and handled by Phil Behe
Brookers Firsttothebird - owned and handled by Brian Fero
HRCH Carolina Magic Hank - owned and handled by Russell Scott
Mr. Winchester - owned and handled by Adam Littlefield

Intermediate Judges: Deb Shoene & Todd Agnew
19 entries
Frank & Rocky Semken - Marshalls
Intermediate Gunners Choice – HRCH UH Justasipofmoonshine

2014 Upland Intermediate Champion:
HRCH UH Master Maximus of the Cooper NCh10 - owned by Greg Zett, handled by Marty Griner
2nd: HRCH Brandywines Cherokee Rose - owned and handled by Frank Semken
3rd: SHR Justanothershotofwhiskey - owned and handled by Chris Cabri
4th: Lily Belle Bloom - owned and handled by Ray Bloom
HRCH UH Justasipofmoonshine - owned and handled by James Barbare
EJ's Maggie Mae - owned by Tony & Ellen Harville, handled by Tony Harville

Open Judges: Mike Witt and John Cafiero
15 entries
Marshalls - Gregg Parker, Blake Waggoner, & Eric Grubbs
Gunner's Choice - HRCH Brandywines Stonewalls Gallant Pelham

2014 Upland Open Champion:
HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather - - owned by Phil and Karen Hinchman, handled by Phil Hinchman
2nd: HRCH Brandywines Stonewalls Gallant Pelham, owned and handled by Butch Herb
3rd: HR UH Just Ducky's The Frontier Scout - owned and handled by Bill Rundorff
4th _TIE: Brandywine's Rosemary Hill - Owned by Billy Hill, handled by Brian Espy
HR Pocotaligo's Nama Karoo UNCH13 - owned and handled by Kim Parkman
HRCH UH Richland Stonewall Jackson - Owned by Charles and Jane Herb, handled by Butch Herb
HRCH UH Brandywines Till The Next Time Tillie - owned by Phil and Karen Hinchman, handled by Phil Hinchman
GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief - owned and handled by Dan Reel
Crazy Quail
Judge: Scotty Morgan

1st - Rose and Frank Semken
2nd - Buddy and Ray Bloom
3rd - Si and Caleb Jackson
4th - Lily and Ray Bloom