UKC-HRC Titled Boykin Spaniels

Grand Hunting Retriever Champions:
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks - "Mule" 3x BSS Open Ch - HRC 2,500 Point Club
GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MHR - HRC 2500 Point Club
Hunting Retrievers Champions - Finished Title
HRCH UH King's Curlee Gurlee
HRCH Just Ducky's Bookmark - "Booker"
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justadducks - "Woody"
HRCH Just Ducky's Justahomewrecker - "Wrecker"
HRCH Just A Grand Illusion - "Deke"
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justhavealittlefaith - "Faith"
HRCH UH KJ Just Cinnamon and Spice MHR
HRCH UH Justasipofmoonshine - "April"
HRCH Justaplaceoutwest - "Tana" - trained and handled by young Sarah Harris
HRCH True Luck's Justarayofsunshine - "Shine"
HRCH UH Justaminicoopertothemax - "Max"
HRCH Holland Ridge Jeb Stuart - "Jeb"
HRCH UH Buckeye's Kickin It Up a Notch - "T-boy" (son of Mule)
HRCH Hank (Son of Justbelieveit "Ripley" x Just Ducky's Air Vivacity)
HRCH Stickpond's Raz Ma Taz MHR - "Taz" (son of Mule)
HRCH Clark's Sam
HRCH Pocotaligo Coffee
HRCH UH Pocotaligo Baily
HRCH Irene's Fancy Girl
HRCH Patton's Holy Moses
HRCH UH Fancy's Mighty Sampson - "Sam" - 1 Grand pass
HRCH UH Darby's Teal Boy - HRC 500 Point Club
HRCH UH Caton's Rooty Toot Toot
HRCH UH Amazing Grace
HRCH Silvestre Acadiana - "Cadi"
HRCH UH Oyster Creek Pistol Peat
HRCH UH Pathfinders Point Shako Jakeco "Jake"
HRCH Duke of Earl
HRCH UH Richland Stonewall Jackson MHR "Stoney" - HRC 500 Point Club
HRCH UH Brandywines Mighty Duramax - HRC 500 Point Club
HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather - HRC 500 Point Club
HRCH UH Brandywines Chocolate Covered Cherry
HRCH UH Jeff's True Luck Tucker - "Tucker"
HRCH Radde & Kim's Mud
HRCH Brandywines Special Reserve - "Belle"
HRCH UH Amanda of Pocotaligo
HRCH Jackson's Ace In The Hole
HRCH Brandywines Duramizer Chip
HRCH Lily's Full Choke Hunter
HRCH UH Brandywines Front Paige News
HRCH Brandywines Bessie's Mojo
HRCH Mitchell's Mighty Maxamillion - "Max"
HRCH Nuf Ced Lucca the Jester
HRCH UH Brandywines Till the Next Time Tillie
HRCH UH Maximus Decimus Meridus
HRCH Brandywine Stonewalls Gallant Pelham MHR MH
HRCH Coosa's Riding With Stonewall - "Ryder"
HRCH UH Master Maximus of the Cooper SHR - "Max"
HRCH Brandywines Amazing Grace
HRCH Hudson River Drake
HRCH Brandywine's Cherokee Rose
HRCH Brandywine's Brown Sugar Magnolia
HRCH GPRS Sherrif Hazzard Co Roscoe
HRCH Ballard's Boy
Hunting Retrievers - Seasoned Title
HR UH Just Ducky's Justmyluck - "Lucky"
HR Just Ducky's Justdoit - "Nike"
HR Just Ducky’s Justasample - "Sammy"
HR Just Ducky’s Tourbillion - "Tourbi"
HR Just Ducky’s Ubetyourbippy - "Bette"
HR Salem Farm’s Just Hot Ash - "Ash"
HR Just Ducky’s Justagigalo - "Louie"
HR Just Ducky's Miss Edgefield - "MissE"
HR Just Ducky's Nike Air Althea - "Thea"
HR Just Ducky's First Edition - "Edie"
HR Just A Coosawhatchie Run - "Hatch"
HR Justaintwhistlindixie - "Whistler"
HR Just Ducky's Justagentleman - "Jack"
HR Just Duckys' Justasaltydog - "Skip"
HR Just Ducky's Justforchuckles - "Chuck"
HR Just Ducky's Hot To Trot - "Trotter"
HR Salem Farm's Just Rocknroll - "Rock"
HR Just Ducky's Just2xMule - "Kicker"
HR UH Just Ducky's The Frontier Scout
HR St. Thomas Justanislandboy - "Tybee"
HR Justaleapoffaith - "Anjel"
HR AJ Justacarboncopy - "Ditto"
HR UH Justalildog'lldoya - "Bryl"
HR UH Just Ducky's Chocolate Martini - "Choco"
HR Gunny Hwy's Justalildevildog - "Gunny"
HR Just Ducky's Good2thelastdrop - "Max"
HR Stevens Creek JustabitofJameson JHR - "Whiskey"
HR UH AJ's Justamaxanista - TJ"
HR Justitchin'togo - "Twitch"
HR Boone's Justa Next Engagement
HR KJ Just Locked and Loaded
HR UH Justaleapoffaith - "Anjel"
HR Stickpond's PaRumPumPumPum MHR - "Drummer" MHR(son of Mule)
HR UH A.J. Jumper - "AJ"
HR Buckeye's Bailey Girl
HR Vecchione's Barthalomew
HR H& P’s Naughty Girl Belle
HR UH Sydney of Woodbine
HR Hi-Brass Harley
HR P.K. Maxwell Smart
HR Edisto Rebel Colonel - "RC"
HR UH Pocotaligo Philly
HR UH Daisy Ray
HR UH Kipper Ray
HR Pocotaligo Tasmanian Jake
HR Gabriel Maxwell of Buckhead
HR UH Pocotaligo Shotgun Red
HR No Pink Promise
HR Penny's Wooden Nickle
HR UH Woodys' Cocoa G1
HR UH Unsinkable Molly Brown
HR Catherine's Dolly
HR Catherine's Little Brownie
HR Dovewood's Major
HR UH Moss Point Elijah
HR UH Graham's Carolina Wrangler
HR Joe's Alabama Bear
HR Garza's Chip
HR Beau Jiminy
HR S. Comforts Chantilly Lace
HR Rainey's Denver
HR Buster Junior
HR Silvestre Atchafalaya - "Chaffie"
HR Richland's Camden Legacy
HR Mr Mick
HR Miggie McGirt
HR Pistol Pete Fetchum
HR White Sands Buck
HR Wigeon of Pocotaligo
HR Cooper
HR Riptide's Colonial Run
HR Beal's Jig
HR Harrelson Boy's Henry
HR Pocotaligo Finest Brandy
HR Fist Full of Dollars - "Cash"
HR UH Ceasarcreek Crown Charlie
HR Winston Ducky Dela Chase
HR UH Sir Murphy Maurer
HR Brandywine's 12 Gauge
HR Brandywines Lady Petunia
HR Cache River's Little Thief
HR Peyton Davis O'Neal
HR Carolina Magic Chaser - "Ace"
HR Amazing Grace's Blind Faith - "Faith"
HR Home on the Range "Ranger"
HR J&L's Super Chewbaka II
HR Oakey Swamps Ragin River Royale
HR UH Brandywines Bessie Girls Lexus
HR Cupped & Committed's Lily
HR River's Turn Sam-Bo
HR Brandywines Mustang Sally
HR Brandywine's Lookout 4 Buddyluv
HR Magnolia Good Golly Miss Molly
HR Brandywine's Cutty's Superstar
HR Silvestre Jim Bowie
HR Stickpond's Zippity Do Da
HR Chief's Ogeechee Mule - "Geech"
HR Drycreek Blueridge Babe
HR Vader's Babe's Reese
HR Chief's Yankee Rebel
HR Show Me Jeb Stuart
HR Magnolia's Ruby Cando Brandywine
HR J&L's Johnyy
HR Hunters Rest Memphis
HR Edisto's Palmetto Decoy
HR Brandywine's Axel Rose
HR Lily Belle Bloom
HR Brandywine's Shoot Star
HR Brandywine's Legacy of Stonewall
HR UH J & L's Sadie Belle
HR GPRS Sheriff Hazzard Co Roscoe
HR Lexie Lue Campbell
HR Life is a Gamble
HR Brandywine's Cover Girl - "Sam"
HR Brandywine's Big Block Hemi - "Emi"
HR Magnolia's Prince Jebediah
Hunters Rest Chase
HR J&L's Lasting Legacy of Faith
HR UH J&L's Splendid Splinter
HR Chief's Lady Clair Shaw
HR J&L's Northern Crown Crilla
HR Brandywine's Full Choke Shooter
HR UH Pocotaligo's Nama Karoo
HR Brandywine's Made For Drakes
HR UH Magnolia's Cane Cade Diva
HR Rocky's Repeat Offender
HR Brandywine's Sunny And Seventy JHR
BSR Pawley Island Boy Paw MH
Started Hunting Retrievers
SHR Just Ducky's Page Two
SHR Just Ducky's Sports Page
SHR Just Ducky's Justaslamdunk - "Swoosh"
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit - "Ripley"
SHR Just Ducky's Justaluckybet - "Wager"
SHR Just Ducky's Front Page News - "Molly"
SHR Augustus Mars - "Gus"
SHR Just Ducky's Coolhandluke
SHR Just Ducky's Justacrooner - "Bing"
SHR Maggie's Justbeenthere - "Meg"
SHR Just Ducky's Justgonetotexas - "Edison"
SHR Anchochili'sjust2hot4you - "Ancho"
SHR Just Ducky's Justbecause - "Bee"
SHR Just Ducky's JustbecauseIcan - "Jolene"
SHR Justafeatherduster - "Dusty"
SHR Just Ducky's Scotch'nSoda - "Grouse"
SHR Just Ducky's The Beat Goes On - "Sonny"
SHR Just Ducky's Backtothefuture - "Clara"
SHR Stevens Creek Justourringofkerry - "Kerry"
SHR Justabluecollarboy - "Blue"
SHR Justlikeaboxofchocolates - "Gump" - trained and handled by Miss Allie Harris
SHR KJ Justalittleturretgunner
SHR KJ Just Hottie of Hazzard Co
SHR Justalittlemojo - "Mojo"
SHR AJ's Justasocialclimber - "Ivy"
SHR Justakickof100proof - "Proof"
SHR OTM's Win One For the Gipper - "Reagan"
SHR Web's Best Sweet Gypsy Rose - "Gypsy"
SHR Salem Farm's Reelfoot - "Reel"
SHR Dawkin's Pocotaligo Mojo
SHR Darby's Land Rush
UH SHR U-AG1 Pooshee's Dusa Lily Pad
SHR Shelby's Little Lulu
SHR Lulu's Sugar n' Spice
SHR Lulu's Captain Nemo
SHR Ware's Pocotaligo Banjo
SHR Hap Man Do
SHR Savannaha Roses Martha Duke
SHR Kathy's Gabriel
SHR Creekboat Sailor
SHR Black's New Millennium
SHR Addisons Big Riggs
SHR Brandywines Northern Dixie
SHR Brandywines Big Brown Bear
SHR Brandywines Hokey Smokes
SHR Web's Lil Trapper Brown B.D
SHR Story's Cocoa Break
SHR Scape'Ore Li'l Scarlett
SHR McGinnis' Li'l Blue Ollie
SHR Tugtown Jasper
SHR Papya's Maximillion
SHR Flyboy Remington Quackstopper
SHR Brandywines Majestic Water Lily
SHR Rocky River's Holy Henna
SHR Pocoltaligo's Cash Advance
SHR J & L's Super Drake
SHR Brandywine's Sweet Madeline
SHR J & L's Saving Grace
SHR J&L's Elk View Trigger
SHR J&L's Wind River's Southern Cross
SHR UH J&L's Shining Abby
SHR Maggie's Northern Ruby
SHR J&L's Lucky Nellie Mae
SHR Lily's Promise to Piper
SHR Lily & Piper's Never Ending Story
SHR J&L's Kona Waves Wyatt
SHR UH J&L's Scarlett Bandana
SHR UH J&L's Goose Chasing Little Fib
SHR Rock’n Creek Deja Vu
SHR Richland's Roadside Rendezvous
SHR Richland's Final Edition - "Finn"
SHR Little River Rock - handled by 7-year old Cade Hinton
SHR Carolina Magic's Matalin Marie
SHR Blake's Hot Banded Mallard
SHR Tugtown Edisto Fripp
SHR Chief's Yankee Rebel
SHR Alve's Champion Toad
SHR Tuckered From Hunting Diedrich
SHR UH Magnolia Good Golly Miss Molly
SHR J & L's Miss Ellie
SHR Brandywine's Light Em Up!
SHR Lily's Hallelujah Hal Palmer - "Hal"
SHR Rock'nCreek Legend of Spooky Woods
SHR Thornhill's Carolina Scribe Jake
SHR Chief's Ogeechee Mule
SHR Santee's Super Brown Benelli
SHR Catalpa Acres Molly
SHR Lookout 4 Bellco's Topgun
SHR Brandywines Pickin'N Grinnin
SHR Brandywines Bet Your Lucky Star
SHR Moore's Carolina First Lady
SHR Shady Acres Jasmine
SHR Thornhills Broadriver Vixen
SHR Maggie Mae
SHR Crowshills Skeet Shooter
SHR Brandywine's Gold Bug
SHR Mitchell's Mighty Moses
SHR Bryan's Edisto Santee Chief
SHR Shady Acres Green With Envy
SHR Wrecker's Texas Hold-Em
SHR Brandywines Damn Yankee Lola
SHR Brandywines Creamy Dark Lennie
SHR Santee's Sweet Georgia Brown
SHR UN Seven Gables Swamp Navigator
SHR Brandwines Firstothebird Titan
SHR Brookers Firstothebird Levi
SHR Brandwines WalkRwalk Kynikos
SHR J&L's Avian Mayhen Otis
SHR J&C Savannah's Hellgirl
SHR J&L's Willow Eve
SHR Rouge of the Wings
SHR Sarah
SHR Richland's Social Circle
SHR J&L's Lucky Crown Billy
SHR Brandywine's Special Gunner
SHR Bailey Kay Bell
SHR BSR Pawley Island Boy Paw
SHR Savannah River's Brown Gator
SHR Rock River's Chewbacca
SHR Sabal Wren of Wateree
SHR Catfish Creek's Palmetto Cypress
Send in your new Boykin spaniel titles and a digital picture and I will include them on this site
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page design by Pamela O. Kadlec
copyright 2015 Web Designs by P.K.
Last Updated:11/9/15