Official Boykin Spaniel Society Web Site Sanctioned by the BSS
United Kennel Club
UKC's Hunting Retriever Club
American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.
AWS Partners - A site that addresses the health issues in the American Water Spaniel
American Water Spaniel Field Association
English Cocker Spaniels
American Spaniel Club The American Spaniel Club, Inc., is the parent club for the Cocker spaniel. It is also a dedicated supporter of all Flushing Spaniel breeds.
English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association
Timberdoodle English Springer Spaniels
Field Spaniel Society of America
The Clumber Spaniel Club of America
The Sussex Spaniel Association (UK)
Dog Breeders Network Pro Dog Network, Dog Merchandise Network
Dog Breeders Online Directory
Veterinary Links
NetVet Veterinary Resources
Vet Web United Kingdom Veterinary Services
Dr. Tom Lonsdale Raw Meaty Bones informational pages
Canine Eye Registration Foundation; CERF - NEW Site - listing of Opthalmologists, database of CERF'ed dogs, lots of information!
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals - New and improved! Search database for ratings on siblings, parents, get, and half-siblings
Dog Books and Periodicals Online
Spaniels in the Field - Periodical dedicated to spaniels. Great articles on training your dogs to flush.
Bird Dog & Retriever News At about a thousand pages we have one of the largest hunting and dog sites on the net.
Conservation Groups
South Carolina Waterfowl Association
Dove Sportsman's Society - A division of Quail Unlimited
National Wild Turkey Federation
Delta Waterfowl
Ducks Unlimited
Kennel Software
Clicker Training
Karen Pryor's Clicker training website
General Information
United States War Dogs Association
Better-than-leather dog collars, leashes and check cords
Dog Food Breeders Program
The original aquatic and pet superstores, established for thirty years and still leading the way in the UK
- "Your dog training accessory connection"
Trail Blazing Innovations -
check out their Riata training vest
Lion Country Supply - Worlds Premier Hunting Dog Supplier™
Air Launch King The latest in launching systems - launches ducks, pigoens, bumpers and Dokken dead fowl with ease
Shotgun Sports Resource Guide - wingshooting, sporting clays, gun dogs, gamebird breeders, and equipment
Exotic Dogs- A website all about dogs for kids!
Petdoors - Patio Pacific has specialized in pet doors for over 25 years
Gun Dog Supply - Serving hunting and field dog owners nationally since 1972
Motivational Dog Posters - Stop by to be entertained, motivated and inspired, or to find the perfect gift for the ultimutt dog lover!
The Dogpatch chose this site as one of the
Great Dog Breed pages! Thanks!
The Dog Zone Dog Breeders Exchange and OnLine Magazine
NetPet Great Site! Check out the serious articles AND the humor pages!
Rec.pets.dogs (the Usenet group) offers a variety of FAQ's (frequently asked questions) to answer general questions people have about dogs. These are the most up-to-date versions as they are the master copies.
Holistic Care
Monica Seagal - Catering to Unique Needs of Individuals
Author of: "K9Kitchen, Your Dogs' Diet: The Truth Behind The Hype"
Consultations ~ Diet Analyses ~ Quality-Tested Supplements
Deaf Dog Education Action Fund
Animal Chiropractic books and videos
AltVetMed Information on Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Veterinary Medicine
AbbeyWood Publishing Index
AbbeyWood Publishing Help Your Dog Stay Young & Beautiful - article by Catherine O'Driscoll.
Your Animal's Health The Monthly Magazine for Modern Pet Owners by Dr. Wendell O. Belfield
To be a part of the Original Boykin Spaniel pages, contact Pam Kadlec:
Pam's Boykin Spaniel Home Page
History of the Boykin Spaniel
Boykin Spaniel Standard